22 December 2009

A Christmas Turkey for Rupert

When we were in Auckland a couple of weeks ago Kerry took me over to the Animates store in Albany. What a great place. I'm even allowed to go inside! I chose a special toy for Christmas. It's a Christmas turkey which kinda sounds more like a chicken. Anyway, I love chasing it!

Unfortunately, it no longer has a head as Black Dog was a bit rough with her chewing last time we played together.

17 December 2009

A beautiful day for a puppy in National Park

It's another beautiful day here in National Park today.

We went for our usual walk to the Post Office before lunch then Kerry attacked the lawn with the weed eater. I had to watch from inside coz I kept wanting to play with it.

Here's a couple of pics of me trying to wake up this morning. It was quite cold and I wasn't so keen on getting out from under the covers.

puppy in bedGetting up ...
cute puppy in bedis difficult ...
big puppy yawnyaaaaawwwwn ...
puppy waking upon a cold morning!

15 December 2009

3 Days and 3 Dogs

We've just got back from a long weekend in Auckland. It was good to see Nana and Grandad and I got to meet my cousin Charlie, the Blue Heeler, properly this time (rather than just through the glass).

Nana had given me a bone earlier. When Charlie arrived he taught me that bigger dogs get to have the bone when they want it, even if you did get it first!

After Charlie went home I had a big sleep then went to meet Eddie. He's my other cousin and is a Fox Terrier. I had fun playing with him coz he thinks he's still a puppy and runs around about as much as I do.

Time for a quick snooze in the car then off to see Pipi. She had a big ball of string that we had a game of doggie tug of war with.

09 December 2009

A Walk in the Sun to Visit Andy

We've just got back from a walk to see Andy up at the Post Office. He works really hard sitting out in the sun all morning waiting for customers.

It's quite a long way for me though. I usually only manage the walk there then Kerry ends up carrying me most of the way home. I still only have little puppy legs you know!

Have you seen my latest puppy video? It's of me watching myself on YouTube.

08 December 2009

One Cute Puppy's Week

I had my first run in with a bumble bee this week. All I wanted to do was say hi and it latched onto me. It made jump and run very strangely!

Hey, check out my new favourite place to sleep.

It only works if Kerry's sitting in the chair though. When she stands up I tend to fall down between the cushion and the back of the chair and get stuck.

What else has this puppy dog been up to this week? I spent one afternoon at Andy and Black Dog's house. That was fun!

There's a crazy cat that lives there too. His name is Shitty Kitty. We're about the same size so he's been teaching me to wrestle. It was so much fun we went back another day for more puppy and cat wrestling practice.

02 December 2009

Puppy Bathtime

It's fair to say we've had a fair bit of rain down our way over the last few days. I believe "raining cats and dogs" is the expression. Don't ask me why. I don't see any cats or dogs in the yard - just heaps of water!

Anyway, as far as a puppy is concerned, where there's rain there's mud! And I sure have found it a few times now. Great fun!

Trying to escape

Check out the dirty water!

Kerry took a video of me trying to get out of the bath too. Check out Bathtime for a Dirty Puppy on YouTube. Embarrassing!