22 December 2009

A Christmas Turkey for Rupert

When we were in Auckland a couple of weeks ago Kerry took me over to the Animates store in Albany. What a great place. I'm even allowed to go inside! I chose a special toy for Christmas. It's a Christmas turkey which kinda sounds more like a chicken. Anyway, I love chasing it!

Unfortunately, it no longer has a head as Black Dog was a bit rough with her chewing last time we played together.

17 December 2009

A beautiful day for a puppy in National Park

It's another beautiful day here in National Park today.

We went for our usual walk to the Post Office before lunch then Kerry attacked the lawn with the weed eater. I had to watch from inside coz I kept wanting to play with it.

Here's a couple of pics of me trying to wake up this morning. It was quite cold and I wasn't so keen on getting out from under the covers.

puppy in bedGetting up ...
cute puppy in bedis difficult ...
big puppy yawnyaaaaawwwwn ...
puppy waking upon a cold morning!

15 December 2009

3 Days and 3 Dogs

We've just got back from a long weekend in Auckland. It was good to see Nana and Grandad and I got to meet my cousin Charlie, the Blue Heeler, properly this time (rather than just through the glass).

Nana had given me a bone earlier. When Charlie arrived he taught me that bigger dogs get to have the bone when they want it, even if you did get it first!

After Charlie went home I had a big sleep then went to meet Eddie. He's my other cousin and is a Fox Terrier. I had fun playing with him coz he thinks he's still a puppy and runs around about as much as I do.

Time for a quick snooze in the car then off to see Pipi. She had a big ball of string that we had a game of doggie tug of war with.

09 December 2009

A Walk in the Sun to Visit Andy

We've just got back from a walk to see Andy up at the Post Office. He works really hard sitting out in the sun all morning waiting for customers.

It's quite a long way for me though. I usually only manage the walk there then Kerry ends up carrying me most of the way home. I still only have little puppy legs you know!

Have you seen my latest puppy video? It's of me watching myself on YouTube.

08 December 2009

One Cute Puppy's Week

I had my first run in with a bumble bee this week. All I wanted to do was say hi and it latched onto me. It made jump and run very strangely!

Hey, check out my new favourite place to sleep.

It only works if Kerry's sitting in the chair though. When she stands up I tend to fall down between the cushion and the back of the chair and get stuck.

What else has this puppy dog been up to this week? I spent one afternoon at Andy and Black Dog's house. That was fun!

There's a crazy cat that lives there too. His name is Shitty Kitty. We're about the same size so he's been teaching me to wrestle. It was so much fun we went back another day for more puppy and cat wrestling practice.

02 December 2009

Puppy Bathtime

It's fair to say we've had a fair bit of rain down our way over the last few days. I believe "raining cats and dogs" is the expression. Don't ask me why. I don't see any cats or dogs in the yard - just heaps of water!

Anyway, as far as a puppy is concerned, where there's rain there's mud! And I sure have found it a few times now. Great fun!

Trying to escape

Check out the dirty water!

Kerry took a video of me trying to get out of the bath too. Check out Bathtime for a Dirty Puppy on YouTube. Embarrassing!

26 November 2009

Black Dog and Andy's for lunch

Today went to Black Dog and Andy's house for lunch. It was good to go for a long walk (it's a long way for a little dog) and Black Dog let me share his water bowl once we got there. It's such a big bowl, I could just about swim in it!

There were a lot of fun toys to play with there too. I think they mostly belonged to the cat - who, strangely enough, didn't show it's face while we were there.

25 November 2009

Big Stick, Little Dog

You should have seen me today! Remember Black Dog's Visit last week? Well I was chasing AND fetching that very same stick today. Kerry tried to get footage but I was too fast and kept running into the camera - whoops!

Anyway, I was a pretty thirsty dog after all that stick chasing and was happy to be filmed whilst having a nice cool drink of water.

What paparazzi?

23 November 2009

Strutting the Streets of National Park

I'm now a big dog! I can walk on my lead to the Post Office with Kerry.

It such a long way and there's just so much to look at. Sometimes Kerry has to carry me home though coz I get tired.

22 November 2009

The Creek at Mooney's

I've just come back from the most wicked time next door. I found the creek in Mooney's back yard. It was so dirty down there that I had to go straight home for a bath.

Kerry says, "what a shame the camera wasn't handy".  I think I looked pretty shabby.

Check out my pose this morning though. I was playing with sheepskin from Nana. Apparently it's my Santa impersonation.  Whoever he is?

20 November 2009

Taumarunui to the Vet

I went to the vet for my second time today.

First I had to climb on this big machine to get weighed (no problem for a big  guy like me).  Boy have I come a long way from my first trip to the vet! I now weigh a wopping 2.5kg!

The next part wasn't so much fun though.  I had to get another jab.  Not so happy about that!!  I cried :(

Rupert's Puppy Videos

Check out all my puppy videos on YouTube:

Rupert's Favourite Puppy Pictures

puppy kissesPuppy kisses for Kerry puppy gets upJust woke up

Pipi the dog
My best mate Pipi

puppy with pompom
I loved this pompom!

puppy cuddles
Puppy Cuddles

puppy cuddles with black dog
Cuddles with Black Dog

puppy kisses
Puppy Kisses

cute little puppy
Just a Little Dog
puppy with first bonePuppy with Pork Bone
puppy with pig esophagusPigs Esophagus Puppy Food

19 November 2009

Black Dog's Visit

Today Black Dog and her owner, Andy, came to visit.

We had fun in the sun and Black Dog taught me how to chase a stick!  I had to hide a few times though.

18 November 2009

My Drinking / Swimming Bowl

Today I realised just how much fun my water bowl can be!

Learning to Stay Home Alone

Over the last few days I've had to stay home for a while on my own. Usually I wait by the front window waiting to see Kerry's car pull up.

I don't really like it but I guess I'll get used to it. Kerry says I'll have to.

17 November 2009

Home for a Spot of Gardening

Kerry wanted to do some gardening today so we headed to Ohakune to get plants.

I was allowed to help with the planting for a while. Until I started digging up yumming bits from the compost to eat that is!

Anyway, we now have a herb garden plus tomatoes, capsicum, lettuce and spinach on the go.

14 November 2009

Home in the Bath / Shower

I had my first bath today. I'd already discovered the shower - not too sure while it's running but love getting in there afterward to drink the water on the bottom.

Anyway, back to the bath. What a hoot! Kerry got in with me so it wasn't too scary. I had my first swimming lesson - I think I'm getting the gist. I had a piece of polystyrene to float too.

11 November 2009

Kirk Street - the big move

Kerry sure did have a lot to do today. She still managed to stop for cuddles and play though which I was happy about.

I really like our new house. My favourite thing is that it has windows that go nearly down to the floor which means I can see outside. That makes a big difference to a wee puppy's day I can tell you!

10 November 2009

Vanda's for dinner

We're moving into Vanda and Roger's house in Kirk Street tomorrow so tonight we went to have dinner with them. I think I'm gonna like living there but I wish Vanda was staying coz she gives me lots of cuddles. Roger's cool too. He has great tasting feet!

08 November 2009

Raurimu for Lou's birthday

Today was Louisa's birthday so we went to a bbq at her house in Raurimu.

I met a new doggie friend, Donnie, there. We had heaps of fun running around on the deck together. Donnie wasn't allowed inside which was a bit stink for him, but I wasn't allowed to got out off the deck to meet the other farm animals and he was so I guess we're even.

Some of the guys let off fireworks later. I wasn't too sure about those things. Some were quite loud and made me look. Lou's horses weren't too happy with the fireworks so they stopped lighting them and saved them for another day.

06 November 2009


Actually, I didn't go to Taumarunui. Kerry did! Man did that suck!

She put me in my pen with toys, food, water and even my bed! But it still sucked coz I wanted to go with her. Well actually, I just didn't want to be left alone.

By the time she got back I was crying so loud I'm sure the whole of National Park could probably hear me.

I got big cuddles and gave big licks in return then all was well again.

04 November 2009

National Park

We spent the day chilling at Nana's before heading back home to National Park.

We stopped in Remuera for Kerry to pick up a laptop she'd bought. I DID NOT like being left in the car!

02 November 2009

Sandringham Market Day

We headed out the door early this morning and went to the Sandringham Market Day. Eva Williams was singing there with her school. She's got a good voice and it was fun to play around on the grass in the sun watching.

Next we went to the Simpson's place around the corner to play with Chloe. I had a really fun time with her. I got really wet while she and her daddy were washing Kerry's car then I hid in the garden and came out real muddy. Digging in dirt must be one of my all time favourite things to do I reckon!

I didn't want to leave Chloe but we were going to see her again in a few hours at Theo's 7th birthday party in Beachhaven. He was having a luau. That's what they call a party in Hawaii.

It was good to see Chloe again. And I met her big sister Sophie too! There were so many kids at that party I didn't know which toes to go after first. Kerry ended up putting my in my puppy pen so she could relax for a bit.

01 November 2009

The Smiths for Sarah's 21st

Apparently I'm becoming quite the socialite. Whatever that means? Anyway, it has something to do with the fact that we went to Sarah's 21st tonight (that's Kerry's neice).

Not only did I meet the rest of the Wakelins, there were Attwoods and Smiths to meet as well. There sure are a lot of them and I was exhausted by the time Kerry took me home. All that playing and meeting new peeps sure does make a wee puppy sleepy.

31 October 2009

Drinks at the Ponsonby Belgian Beer Cafe

I went to my first bar today. Apparently a momentous occasion, although I don't really get it?

Kerry wanted to meet up with her old NZIS workmates for a drink at the Ponsonby Belgian Beer Cafe, and that's their old watering hole I guess.

I should also mention that today I had nasty little fleas biting me. Man they can drive you nuts pretty quick! Anyway, Kerry popped over the road to Animates in Albany and came back with some Advocate to kill them with. I wasn't so keen it at first coz it made them go even crazier, running all over me.

By the next day though they were staring to die off. Ha, ha! Gotcha!

I tell you what else happened though, I went No 2's (outside of course) and a big long worm came out. Yuk! It was as long as spaghetti! I guess it didn't like the Advocate I was given yesterday either, that's why it came out to die.

30 October 2009

Rupert's Favourite Puppy Toys

Big Grey



Jelly Baby



Smiley (he's dead now)


Auckland again

Back to Auckland again. I sure am getting good at this travelling in the car thing.

The first night we spent at Wharf Road with my mate Pipi. I was really pleased to see her again and hang out. She teaches me heaps of new stuff.

The next day it was off to Nana and Grandand's. I liked it there too. They have a great back yard that I can play in for as long a I want! I met Charlie there too. He's Ross', dog (that's Kerry's bro). I wasn't allowed to play with him yet though. We just had a doggy chat through the window.

25 October 2009

Whakapapa, Mt Ruapehu

Hard at work in Kerry's office

I was packed up this morning and taken up to work with Kerry at Whakapapa on Mt Ruapehu. I had to hide coz apparently dogs aren’t allowed up on Mt Ruapehu. Apparently kiwis (as in the birds) are pretty scared of us dogs. So they should be, I’ve been practising my best growl! (see DOC publication Saving our kiwi - Threats to kiwi)

I ended up at work with Kerry until Tuesday. I even crashed the end of season staff bbq at LBC! I spent most of the time tucked away asleep inside Kerry's jacket. Every now and then I'd poke my head out to check out the scene and meet new peeps.

I suspect that'll be the end of my trips up the mountain.

23 October 2009

Hamilton and my first trip to the Vet in Taumarunui

Back in the cage and we’re off again. No dramas for me today though. I’m one cool customer at riding in the car now.

We stopped in Hamilton to pick up someone called Molly. I’m glad we did coz I liked Molly and she let me sit on her knee or by her feet rather than staying in the cage. I think Molly’s gonna mind me while Kerry’s at work tomorrow. Yay more Molly cuddles (not to be confused with moddley coddling)!

I nearly forgot, we stopped at Taumarunui to meet my vet at the Taumarunui Vet Clinic. She was nice and I was really brave. Injections? I don’t see what all the fuss is about.

I got weighed too - 1.62kg!

22 October 2009

Auckland with my new owner, Kerry

I met Kerry today. In fact we went from just meeting to suddenly spending every moment together all in one day!

My mum Tui with some of my siblings
Before I even got the chance to miss my whanau (mum, dad, bro, step bro and sis) we were winding our way through the Herekino Gorge. That upset my tummy a bit and I cacked. Kerry stopped and cleaned me and my cage up before I got the chance. Didn’t taste too bad the second time around I thought.

It sure did seem a long time in that cage, but I guess it wasn’t so bad. Kerry was playing some great tunes (but not too loud) and I slept most of the way. Coz that’s what puppies do! And, I had Panda with me. I was allowed to take him with me with I left my home.

Me with Panda
We made a quick stop in at Albany to meet my new nana and grandad. I was a bit shy and first and didn’t want to get out of my cage. I was busting though and my urge to go got the better of me very quickly.

No sooner had I done my business, made my mark, whatever you want to call it, I was back in the cage I’d become so familiar with in such a short space of time. Not for long this time though …

Next stop was Wharf Road in Herne Bay. Kerry used to live here so we’re staying the night.

Cool!! I got to meet Pipi. She lives here and was happy for me to come and stay and her house. She had to teach me a few rules first which I guess was fair enough. She taught me to bark too! Although I need a little more practice and growing before I get to sound quite so grown up!

I tried to sleep in my cage on the first night away from my mum but I was a bit scared and cold so I got into bed with Kerry. I do love my cuddles and I think Kerry does too so that’s cool. I get the feeling that Pipi was a miffed about not being allowed to stay on Kerry’s bed that night.